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News flash:
Other people’s words about the “Why You Talk So White?” book, “Success Language” workshop, and keynote. (I couldn’t have said these any better!)
“I received one of your autographed books after your lecture. I am a Caucasian male; [over 60] years of age. Upon reading your book Why You Talk So White? I quickly realized the valuable lessons throughout the book. This book is for everyone. I hope you continue to market it everywhere. The lessons of the book are something to be reviewed from time-to-time. All too often we forget why we have stopped growing, or the root cause(s) of why we are stalled on our individual path.”
R.N. Student at Cheyney University, PA
“I purchased your book to give to a friend who struggles with her family in holding her standards high. They call her a “Huxtable” after the 1980’s Cosby TV show. To her credit she doesn’t yield but I know it hurts her heart. I think she may find some strength and identify with the themes in your book. Thank you for speaking with me by phone and for your prompt response.”
J.M. (Confidentiality honored; this is excerpted from a personal letter to Sylvia)
“This book is good. Kids need these lessons.” (The best comment I can hope for from a teenager!) |
Young man (teen) who BOUGHT the book. (Not just for Black folk! Sylvia)
“Thank you so much for coming to share information that I wish I had forty years ago when I lost my identity just to be a part of. But now I have confirmation and affirmation to continue to be who I am today.”
“Yes – I was asked that. Thank you for writing this book. I am sharing it with my children, who have children of their own.Best wishes.”
Julian Bond Chairman, NAACP
“Your book validates what I’ve been telling my own children for several years.”
N.B. Charles Cty. Government
“What up, Sylvia! Got your book! God bless.”
Tom Joyner and “Morning Show”
“I would like to place a second order. I started an after school program for students on a plan to nowhere. 80% of the content of your book formed the basis for our curriculum.”
W.A. Columbus, GA.
“This is a page turner, a minor classic. The world, especially the world of would-be, upwardly mobile professionals, needs this profound wisdom. Why You Talk So White is a short delineation of basic elements of success in the 21st century world of business. Authentic, comprehensive, easy to understand and to implement, this is a must-have guide to getting ahead and moving on up.”
Burt Dubin President, Personal Achievement Institute
“Thank you … we wish you great success with your book.”
J. Schripsema Quixtar Inc. (AMWAY Corporation)
“Thank you for your book. I hope you sell a million.”
Nido Qubein President, High Point University (SC.)
Article - Author interview, and book signing
Blade-News Newspaper Bowie (MD)
Have you ever thought, when your parents (or the adult/s who played key - positive - roles in your youthful days) tried to tell you things “for your own good”, that what they were telling you was a lot of baloney?
Did you ever scrunch your face up and go, “Eeeewwwww” when someone tried to wipe something from your young face by whetting a tissue or their finger with a little spittle and wiping your face with it?
How about sighing deeply and rolling your eyes when a caring adult exercised their right to the annoying habit of correcting your speech when you said something incorrectly?
I remember responding all of these ways when my parents did these things to me. Little did I realize when I was growing up how lucky I was to have had them do all this - and more.
I also have a vivid memory of my Father posting signs all over the house to get me to enunciate words clearly and correctly.
(Learn more about what these signs were all about by clicking here.)
What I did not realize then, in childhood, was how much my parents were teaching me to speak the language of success.
That language is otherwise thrown back at me as my “talking White”. Well, so be it. I learned to “talk White” and have experienced success throughout my life because of it.
I want you to experience your own definition of “success”. My passion is to provide tools that allow you to do so.
(Find tools here.)
“Talking White” is more than speaking well. It is communicating effectively, presenting yourself professionally, and conducting yourself in a socially acceptable manner as perceived by the business and professional world in which we make our living and establish our careers and businesses.
It is a choice that only you can make for yourself. I can help you discover what to do and how to do it. Only you can chose to eliminate the behaviors that sabotage your success. Or help those you care about do the same.
Topics covered:
- English language usage.
- Effects of negative messages.
- Name-calling and labels.
- Individuality and standing out positively.
- The “look” of success.
- Respect.
- Giving back (to the community).
- Timeliness (how to be on time).
- Attitude.
- Competitiveness and cooperation.
- Work ethic.
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